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Then, Su Yueze casually used Qin Muchuan's comment on him and applied it straightforwardly to Xiao Qingye. "This man is stupidly rich and spends carelessly!"

"Well summed up!" Xiao Qingye accepted it all at once.

Because to him, this isn't a slander, but absolutely a compliment. Why? Because he is famously stingy.

"Ugh!" Su Yueze spat out in disgust. "You even dare to admit it!"

And now he would do whatever it took to irritate Xiao Qingye, right?

"Hehe..." Xiao Qingye laughed heartily, and then winked at Su Yueze. "In front of the beauty, you should at least save me some face, right?"

"You still want face?" Su Yueze started talking with a grudge, pulling Lin Xiangwan aside, "Wanwan, don't listen to him. Do you know how I was busted? It was all because of him, using my card for shady stuff. I was wrongly accused today!"

Xiao Qingye frowned, preventing Su Yueze from continuing and pleading with his eyes.