543 Marry a Tycoon? _1

Su Yueze shook his head. "If I had put it out for sale back then at the school, I would have been penalized for sure. Taking advantage of a national crisis for profit is something idiotic that I would never do!"

Lin Xiangwan slapped her forehead. "I am really stupid not to have thought of that. If it were me, I would have started selling these things at school!"

Su Yueze chuckled. "And then you would have gotten caught, not making a single penny, and the school would have made you donate all the Banlangen and masks! By then, not only would you not have made any money, you would have lost your entire investment!"

"Hmm!" Lin Xiangwan nodded. "That's how our country's education system is, always using moral norms as excuses for their burglary!"