549 All Kinds of Mess in the Wind_1

Lin Xiangwan wiped the tears off her face. "Let's go see the house!" she said.

Su Yueze slowed his car down. "If you're just going out of a fit of pique, I'd advise you not to go see any houses," he said leisurely.

"Why?" Xiangwan didn't understand.

"Because you are not fully focused on the house hunting. How can you compare and analyse with your whole heart? Of course, if you were a regular customer of mine, I wouldn't care. Perhaps when a customer is in a bad mood, it's easier to sell them a house! However, it's different with you. You're my friend!" Su Yueze said seriously.

He involuntarily became serious and solemn when it came to housing.

Lin Xiangwan felt a bit uncomfortable — she had indeed been absent-minded, which showed a lack of respect towards Su Yueze. "Sorry, maybe some other time!" she said.

"Okay!" Su Yueze nodded. "No matter what, when your mood is stable and you're ready to wholeheartedly look at houses, we can come again."