554 Arrest Suspect_1

Qin Muchuan chuckled, "Wanwan, you're overthinking this, how could that possibly..."

Lin Xiangwan was enraged by his laughter, her body shaking with fury. "You find joy in tormenting me, don't you? Qin Muchuan, I don't expect kindness from you, but at least, can you not provoke me?"

Qin Muchuan sobered up. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, really, I didn't!"

He didn't want to keep joking either, but he wasn't sure how to handle his wife. If he were serious, would it convince her that he had cheated? Would it make her sadder?

He thought a light approach might make it better.

But things didn't turn out as he had expected.

Perhaps Qin Muchuan was overthinking. In her current state, Lin Xiangwan would be upset with him no matter what he did.

Lin Xiangwan looked at him with a particularly bleak and indignant stare. "Please, stop saying 'trust me'. The more you say it, the angrier I get. Angry to the point where I want to kill you, or rip your lips apart!"