636 Grandma's Birthday Feast2_1

Tongtong clung to her mother's arm. "Mom, did you leave home because you were angry!"

Lin Xiangwan squatted down and kissed the child's cheek. "Don't imagine things, Mom was not angry, Mom missed you all very much!"

Tongtong carefully pulled her mother aside and whispered, "Mom, these past few days I've been thinking about why Mom had to leave home, why she didn't want us. Then it occurred to me that it must be because Great Grandma doesn't like Mom and has made Mom suffer, which led to Mom leaving!"

"No, don't misunderstand your Great Grandma!" Lin Xiangwan hurriedly covered her daughter's mouth to stop her from continuing.

Qin Yutong's big eyes were red again. "Mummy, I know this is the case! However, I won't confront great grandma. Great Grandma is old and it will make her unhappy. If she's unhappy, she might fall ill. Great Grandma likes me and Ranran a lot, I hope she lives to a ripe old age!"