What's the decency in insulting others_1

Qin Muchuan stepped towards her and raised his hand to wipe the tears from her face.

"Don't touch me!" Lin Xiangwan urgently took a step back, avoiding him like a serpent or a scorpion.

He lowered his arm. "Wanwan, her living at the Qin Family household wasn't my doing. My father invited her to take care of Tongtong and Ranran and to work as their home tutor!"

Lin Xiangwan scoffed. "Qin Muchuan, can't you be more decent? This is clearly your problem, why are you shifting the blame onto your father?"

"What I said is true!"

"Ha, why is it then that, so conveniently, your father hired Zhou Ziqing? Is she the only one with a high level of education in the world? Is she the only one who has returned from abroad?"

Qin Muchuan ran his hand through his hair. How could he tell her that his father and Zhou Ziqing had also had a fling?