673 General Qin Explodes With Rage_1

Su Yueze sulkily pouted. "All you talk about is Qin Muchuan, he's all you ever think about!"

"He's in trouble, isn't he? Besides, wasn't that my reason for getting close to her? Why else would I put myself through this?" Lin Xiangwan angrily hit him. "Do you think I enjoy debasing myself? Even though I, Lin Xiangwan, am an orphan, I've always treated myself very well and I'm not willing to belittle myself!"

"So you're willing to humble yourself for Qin Muchuan!" Lin Xiangwan said.

Lin Xiangwan thought for a while. "If something is worth demeaning yourself for and can yield the desired compensation, why not?"

Su Yueze reiterated again. "You're doing this for Qin Muchuan!"

"Ah, he is the father of my son and daughter after all. If he continues to have money, it's for the best for my son and daughter!" Lin Xiangwan used her children as a shield.

Su Yueze laughed. "I didn't say anything against you!"