Chapter 6 I Have Attempted Suicide by Drowning_1

Li Qiyu walked around the banquet hall, where groups of women clustered in threes and fives, each with their own clique—

Moreover, they all looked down on her with undisguised contempt and disdain.

"Young Lady, did you hear what I said?" the servant asked, displeased.

"Alright, I got it." Li Qiyu suppressed her temper and sat down in the rest area, "I'll just sit here, I'm not going anywhere, okay?"

Looking up, she saw Bo Yeyuan standing at the edge of the dance floor, outstanding like a crane amongst chickens. Effortlessly engaging in conversations about politics and business among the men.

Like a domineering abyss, endlessly drawing women into its depths...

Li Qiyu's isolation and bullying stemmed from his excellence, which made the women envious!

Damn it, she had done nothing wrong, yet marrying him had brought her eight generations of bad luck!

"Excuse me Mrs. Bo, this seat is reserved for our young lady." The arrogant servant was accompanied by an equally arrogant socialite.

Li Qiyu snapped back to reality, only to find that the formerly deserted rest area was now leisurely occupied by socialites, with not a single empty spot left on the French sofas.

"Your seat? Is your name carved here?" Li Qiyu's piercing gaze shot over.

The servant choked on her words, not expecting Li Qiyu to talk back. In the past, she would have silently moved away.

"Move aside, I'm going to drink tea and chat here." The arrogant socialite spoke up.

"You chat, I'll pretend not to hear," Li Qiyu said with a cold laugh, leisurely sipping her tea as she swept her gaze over the crowd.

The arrogant socialite, with a harsh tone, demanded, "Are you going to move or not? Do I need to ask you to leave?!"

"Is the wife of Young Master Bo not deserving of respect? Who gave you the audacity to bark at me?"


Li Qiyu slammed the Western tea set onto the tea table, a few drops of black tea splashed out, "Let's hear it, how will you ask me to leave! Will you kneel and beg, or cry to beg!"

The arrogant socialite was stunned, staring at her in disbelief!

The powerful aura emanating from Li Qiyu was too captivating!

"What are you showing off for, you're just a discarded wife." Laughter came from the side.

Li Qiyu turned her head, meeting the mockery in over a dozen pairs of eyes!

"Rumor has it, she's been in a lonely marriage for two years, yet to taste the pleasure of a man. Desperate for Young Master Bo's favor, she kneeled and begged pitifully, even resorting to the old 'throwing herself into the sea' trick..."

"What a pity, after all her efforts to doll herself up, Young Master Bo doesn't even bother to give her a glance."

"How does the saying go? She treats Mr. Bo like a first love, but Mr. Bo treats her like crap!"

Were these really highly educated socialites and ladies? Their quality was vile, their language crass!

Li Qiyu smiled, not the least bit angry, "You're right, I've attempted to throw myself into the sea, but heaven wouldn't let me die. A person who's not even afraid of death, what else is there to fear? I've thought it through, I can't die alone, I have to take you all with me. Am I right?"


"The ones who just spoke, I've remembered... your faces." Li Qiyu's lips twitched slightly, her expression darkened, and her eyes swept over the women who mocked her.

The group of socialites all froze!

In the past, Li Qiyu was well-mannered and mild-tempered, not one to argue with others, and even when bullied, she would just give in.

Being nice invited bullying, and her silence wasn't going to calm the storm...

From now on, she decided to be a selfish villain!

"Li Qiyu, who are you trying to scare? I don't believe you dare—"