Chapter 14_1

Bo Yeyuan's frame stiffened, then he laughed maliciously, "That's your tragedy, Mrs. Bo. Without my consent, you can forget about leaving this marriage!"

"Then I'll just make you wear a pile of green hats!"

"There's not a man in the whole country who dares to touch Bo Yeyuan's woman!"

Li Qiyu didn't know how powerful the Bo family was, but judging from tonight's banquet, even the mayor was humble and respectful to Madam Bo, it seemed the Li family was a financial tycoon in Bin City that could make the city tremble with a stomp of their foot!

To marry a wife who had to be cultivated from a young age—

The servant told her there were not a few girls who had been cultivated like her, all chosen from prominent families with clean backgrounds and superior genes. Damn it, was it like breeding dogs, even looking at genes?

Every girl would be sent to the Bo family at the age of twenty, the age to discuss marriage, to pass the Bo family's assessment.

Li Qiyu's birth family was also a large household, quite a small mansion in its own right.

It was said that her mother was once a beauty that could topple kingdoms, and her father was incredibly handsome, possessing the finest genes.

When Li Qiyu was still an infant, she was much prettier than other babies, and by a few years old, she was already the typical beauty in the making.

The old man had met these cultivators and had been most satisfied with Li Qiyu, so when she turned twenty, she rightfully passed the rigorous assessments and was married into the Bo family. Initially, Mr. Bo had no objections to the marriage! Li Qiyu didn't understand, why was she receiving such a cold treatment after marrying over?


The man's sinister force brought her painfully back to her senses.

Bo Yeyuan's wild and unrestrained face was tight, damned woman, to wander off in a daydream right under his watch!

Bo Yeyuan seized her chin, his fingers tightening, "Are you afraid of me?"