Chapter 33_1

Li Qiyu was so overwhelmed by his dominant kiss that she struggled to breathe.

The servants had been stunned the moment Mr. Bo had leaned in for the kiss.

Ever since an incident a decade ago, the personalities of the two young masters of the Bo family had drastically changed.

The Young Master had become indifferent, disliking women to come near him, he even felt disgust and nausea at the thought of being served by a woman...

The Second Young Master, on the other hand, was obsessed with the tenderness of women and could not live without them, his addiction to women only growing as he aged.

Despite psychological treatment over the past decade, there had been no improvement...

The servants thought the young masters were sick, but to their surprise, the Second Young Master didn't bring a woman home last night, and today, the Young Master unexpectedly began toying with a woman in public.

Could it be that the two Young Masters were playing a prank, swapping identities?
