Chapter 52: My Wings Have Arrived_1

Li Qiyu sweetly smiled, "I'm so hungry, it's time for breakfast."

She hopped down from the high stool and had taken only a few steps before a servant blocked her way—

"Stop right there!" Madam Bo, full of loathing, said, "You've violated the family law, take her away!"

Again with the family law, the esteemed and affluent Bo family still clung to those outdated feudal regulations.

"Then I'm off," Li Qiyu glanced deeply at Bo Yeyuan, "since you're so sincere in coming to get me."

Mr. Bo lounged back with his long legs crossed, dark eyes fixed on her retreating figure.

She knew dogs feared fire and had practiced alcohol spraying earlier in the morning; she knew he would come after her, so she left a misleading note; even her wardrobe clash with Bo Feier and luring him into a kiss for the servant to see during their encounter at the wine club was all meticulously calculated.