Chapter 116: I'll Send You on a Path to Hell_1

"I don't understand..." Li Baiyi sobbed weakly, "Qiyu, I'm begging you, everything that happened in the past was my fault. I just wanted simply to have happiness, and you already have Mr. Bo as a powerful husband who commands the wind and clouds, can you please let me off?"

Her tears glistened, and I couldn't help but feel pity.

Li Qiyu smiled wryly, forced to admit that Li Baiyi's performance of innocence was impeccably convincing.

"You left me with no way out, so I'm giving you a road to hell." Li Qiyu's hand glided along Bo Yeyuan's neck, caressing his chest as if she were toying with a beloved pet, "You wasted your chance to come clean, so I might as well teach you myself what it means to understand."

Li Baiyi clutched onto Sheng Shinian: "Shinian... What should I do?"

Sheng Shinian was as soothing as a spring breeze, holding Li Baiyi's hand tightly and gazing at her tenderly: "Don't be afraid, no matter what happens, I believe in you."