Chapter 199: The Boy Named Bo Nianfeng_1

Bo Yeyuan suddenly released his grip, afraid she might choke, and became rigid like a block of wood.

Li Qiyu picked up the remaining half glass of milk and gulped it down, at last feeling the relief in her chest.

In order to prevent her from eating anything else, Bo Yeyuan flipped the tray, spilling all the food on the floor.

Li Qiyu's eyes flashed coldly twice as she watched him step on the foie gras and grind it forcefully.

"Bo Yeyuan, you're truly despicable beyond compare."

"Li Qiyu, I thought you had more backbone. To bow down for a mere three bushels of rice?" he accused angrily, "It seems your pride is just this after all."

Li Qiyu's lips were rosy, and her eyes shimmered with a gloomy light.

Survival first, then dignity.

She hadn't eaten all day, was sick, and had been forcefully tormented by him, leaving her so weak that even breathing felt laborious. Without food, not only would she lack the strength to escape, but the child would definitely not survive.