Chapter 233 It's Not Your Turn to Dictate_1

The phone buzzed again, and Bo Yeyuan turned it off and smashed it away.

Leike was drunk, thinking and missing the Young Lady were his duties, but now that she's finally back, he's throwing a temper tantrum?

Bo Yeyuan rubbed his throbbing temples, "She will come back and beg me!"

※※※"Forbidden Love CEO, Seven Night Rules" Exclusively on QQ Reading※※※

Several hours later, Bo Yexun's grandiose sports car stopped in front of the Li family villa.

The Young Master is truly a prophet, Qiyu really did come back!

Seeing Qiyu return, the servants, like souls saved from purgatory, were very pleased—

"Second Young Master, Young Lady—you've finally returned. The Young Master has been sick with longing these past few days, unable to eat or sleep, working himself like he's self-harming. He's utterly dejected, as if he's become a different person. Please talk to him, if this goes on, his body won't hold up and he'll collapse."