Chapter 270 The More I Look The More Sour I Feel_1

Li Qiyu turned her face away, looking at him indifferently...

Bo Yexun, greedy as ever, was like a little dog with his lips greased with oil, eating even though he was clearly full.

"Aren't you afraid of becoming a gluttonous cow?" Li Qiyu chewed her food at a leisurely pace, her appetite was hardly there.

"I would die happy," Bo Yexun burped loudly, "If I don't finish the food you made, it would be a disservice to your hard work."

Li Qiyu's gaze flickered for a moment, if Bo Yexun had this level of intelligence back then, maybe the younger Qiyu would have fallen for him.

All men are the same, aren't they? The best things are those you can't have?

"Bo Yexun, if you overeat, you'll be the one with a stomachache. Stop eating," Li Qiyu, unable to watch any longer, reached out and took his plate away.

Bo Yexun cracked a smile: "Qiqi, are you showing concern for me?"

Standing behind and serving them, Nanny Petty suddenly exclaimed, "Young Master!"