Chapter 11 Making up Stories_1

Ye Lu exited the hospital, sighing with relief.

She wasn't sure whether she was doing the right thing. Though she hadn't sold her body, she had sold herself. It was the same kind of sale fundamentally.

Nevertheless, she was happy, at least she had protected the people important to her. Isn't that what mattered? As long as everyone was happy, so was she.

With ten million at hand, things would get better.

Ye Lu regained her energy, she would not admit defeat to the hardships of life.

At the entrance to the hospital, workers were removing the hospital's sign, and she couldn't help but ask what was going on.

This was a hospital with several decades of history; was it being demolished?

"Didn't you know? This hospital has been acquired by the Gu Group. Many other private hospitals within our country have also been bought by the Gu Group. They aim to make significant strides in the healthcare industry," said one of the workers excitedly.

Ye Lu was stunned: "Which Gu Group?"

"Which other Gu Group could it be? Of course, it's the one in the top 500, only such a large-scale conglomerate could afford such expansive acquisitions. However, I've heard their young master is a clean freak. All the hospitals are being renovated and rebranded because he might visit them randomly. Our hospital might just get lucky," the worker said.

Ye Lu went pale and took a step back.

"Miss, are you alright? You look awfully pale."

"Nothing... nothing's wrong. I will be going now," replied Ye Lu and hurriedly left.

Ye Lu returned to the Ye Family home.

"Where were you last night?"

As soon as she arrived home, Chen Yan accused her angrily.

"You brazen girl! I kindly introduce you to Boss Liu, and you offend him as soon as I leave. And then I got scolded because of you! My family has important business dealings with him; were you trying to ruin me? You... you ungrateful brat."

"Enough, stop blaming Lu," Ye Lu's father, Ye Wanli, sighed.

Chen Yan became even more enraged: "You're still sticking up for her! Look at this wrong-sided girl! Has she ever cared about you - her father? Your company is going under and all she cares for is herself. After so much effort, I found her this Boss Liu, she should count her blessings. Except for Boss Liu, who would want her?"

Ye Wanli fell silent immediately.

Watching her father get scolded without uttering a word, Ye Lu felt heartbroken for him.

Ever since he married Chen Yan, who was from a dominant family, her father was often belittled by Chen Yan, especially because his business was struggling.

"Aunt Chen, don't worry. Aside from that old man you introduced, there are other people who want me," Ye Lu said coldly.

Chen Yan scoffed, "Some trashy men from the streets? Or some poor, petty punks? Don't disgrace us."

"Of course not. It's Shang Jingchen, the host of last night's banquet. I am now his girlfriend," replied Ye Lu, standing erect. For the first time in front of her stepmother, she found the courage to speak up, hoping to give her father some dignity.

Chen Yan burst into laughter, her voice shrill and sarcastic.

"What joke are you making? Just because I left early last night, you think you can fabricate such lies. Do you even know who organized the banquet? The Shang Family! Do you understand their status? They are one of the top tier corporations in the country with hundreds of subsidiary companies and an unknown number of billions in assets. A wealthy and prestigious family that you and I could never come close to. The Crown Prince Shang, who controls more than half of the Shang's businesses, has doubled their assets in just a few years. He's the rising star among the young entrepreneurs in the country, a celebrity living on another level. He could even marry a princess if he wanted to, what beauty could he not have? Him taking a liking to a girl with no background like you, what a joke!"

Ye Lu was stunned. She knew the Shang Family must be a large corporation, but not that they were this influential.