Chapter 141: Arrogant Little Devil_1

In the end, when the Ye couple was rescued by their servants, both their faces were a mess of purples and blues, looking like pandas, it was an unpleasant sight to see.

Ye Wanli, angrily massaging his bruised waist, tremblingly sat on the sofa, "These crazy bastards are literally going nuts."

"Honey, my nose implant broke, what should we do?" Chen Yan wailed mournfully.

"Enough with the noise, it's damn annoying. If it's broken, it's broken! We're in bloody big trouble now, we've made headlines on the news, infamous overnight, and you're still fussing over your nose! I've lost all my face," Ye Wanli was fuming.

They had originally planned to gain publicity through their charity donation, but as it turns out, they've become infamous instead.

The charitable image he had maintained for so long outside was thoroughly ruined.

Chen Yan was furious, "It's all because of those two brats, those damn brats!"