Chapter 213 State Your Condition _1

"Had it been the ancient times, he would have been the emperor, even now, he is a king without a crown. This is what his name, Jun Huang, truly signifies." Feiyu wore an immeasurably proud expression.

Ye Lu was left dumbstruck, so ThirdYoung Master Jun was a law unto himself?

This was such an outrageous level of arrogance, she refused to believe that he could continue in such a manner.

"I am no longer an ordinary person, my child is not in his hands anymore. He can dream about using such despicable tactics to make me submit."

Striding forth, full of anger, Ye Lu vowed that this time, she will not bow to this man, not at all.

ThirdYoung Master Jun was in the room.

The same room where he tormented her last time.

Walking in, Ye Lu's face darkened further. Choosing this place for negotiations, the intention to humiliate was all too clear.