Chapter 219: A small mind_1

Ye Lu felt powerless, seeing how easily he was manipulating Yaxing, she believed he could definitely succeed if he really wanted to deal with someone.

What scared her more was that if she did not obey, this shameless man would harm her children, after all, he knew very well that she had two children and they meant the world to her, and if he exploited this weakness, he would have her life in his grip.

"...Alright, I agree."

What's the worst that could happen? She had been a discarded wife, a single mother subjected to public criticism and even went through embarrassing situations, she had already built strong resilience, she didn't believe that she couldn't get through this.

Regardless, her spirit will never be defeated.

Only this time, she needed to learn to be smarter and not dabble in messy situations which could bring about more troubles.

Ye Lu opened her sleepy eyes to see the clear sky outside the curtain.