Chapter 332: Unchangeable Nature_1

"You're not willing?" Gu Yan's expression fell.

Seeing his downcast look made Ye Lu's heart ache; she couldn't bear to upset him.

Simply taking care of him like any friend would; that should be fine, right?

The Third Young Master wasn't even in the country at the moment, so his control over her was loosened. As long as she was careful not to let him find out, it should go well, right?

"Alright, once you are healthy, I'll leave." This would be her last time caring for him. Once he recovered, she would leave.

She called Feiyu and informed him that she was planning to resume her studies and was currently dealing with some school issues, so she was going to stay at a female classmate's house.

Feiyu asked her for the female classmate's name and address, Ye Lu hastily gave him Feng Aoxue's. She knew Feiyu would check, so she wouldn't dare lie.


The villa where Gu Yan was going to recuperate was, surprisingly, the very same one from before.