Chapter 578 Extravagant Sweet Potatoes_1

The captain ran off in tears. How capricious could this man be? Where in this vast ocean was he supposed to find sweet potatoes? Wasn't this just giving him a hard time? If the man wanted to eat some exotic seafood, he could at least have the crew dive down to catch some.

"But we really don't have any sweet potatoes on the ship."

Third Young Master Jun spoke dismissively, "Then immediately contact the suppliers on the shore to have them send over sweet potatoes by helicopter! I heard your cruise company has not been doing well recently. I can invest a few billion."

The captain immediately made a flustered phone call to arrange it. The suppliers were stunned upon hearing it. Just for a few sweet potatoes, such a large operation was needed. Money sure could make people capricious.

They didn't dare refuse. They found some high-quality, plump sweet potatoes and dispatched the company's helicopter to deliver them.