Chapter 629: This Man is Actually Him_1

The servant respectfully said, "Of course not, please come in, madam will be delighted."

Ling Kong pointed to Ye Lu and Ye Yiyi behind him.

"I want them to go in with me."

"They cannot enter, they don't have an invitation." The servant looked a bit disdainful, "Madam doesn't like them."

"So, you're going to stop my relatives?"

"Re, relatives? That's impossible." The servant was dumbfounded. How could these two women, one older and one younger, have any kinship with this young master?

"This one is my little wife, and this one is my mother-in-law. Do you have a problem with that?" Ling Kong said, dripping with menace.

"No, absolutely not, please come in." The servant's face turned pale. It was amazing that this arrogant young girl was the young master's new bride.

"Hmph, looking down on people, now you know how powerful I am!" Ye Yiyi made a face, then strutted in, dragging her mother along.