Chapter 642 DNA Identification Report_1

Such a worry-free life, with people who loved and cared for her, was something she never had in her past, which was filled with hardship.

Third Young Master Jun strokes her hair: "Do you really feel that you're very happy?"

"Yes, there couldn't be anything happier than this."

"That's good. It's my honor!"

Ye Lu held his hand, looked at him with hopeful eyes and asked in a soft voice, "Are you happy then?"

"Of course, it feels like a dream," Third Young Master Jun's eyes were blurred.

"This is not a dream, this is real." Ye Lu playfully rolled over onto him, lowered her head to kiss his lips in delight, "Jun Huang, I love you."

Third Young Master Jun was taken aback by her kiss, lying on the bed, looking at her in a daze.

She chuckled, reaching out to unbutton his clothes.

"I want to sleep with you, always!"


Despite reluctance, Ye Lu still followed Third Young Master Jun back to North America.