Chapter 699: The Scene Smasher Has Arrived_1

"This banquet, organized by Bai Sijia and your father, has managed to invite so many business and political celebrities that it's shaping up to be a grand affair!" Feiyu voiced in surprise.

Leaning against the railing and brandishing a cigar in his hand, Third Young Master Jun took a casual puff.

Then he glanced down at the guests from all sides on the floor below, lost in his thoughts for a moment.

"Who would have thought he would invite the bigshots from all over the business world over tonight, probably deploying all his connections and networking. He's never taken such pains for me before."

A maid walked over: "Young master, the Old Madam is out and asks you to come down quickly."

Third Young Master Jun nodded and put out his cigarette.

As he walked downstairs, Bai Sijia spotted him right away. With a full beam on her face, she walked over affectionately linking her arm in his, which Third Young Master didn't resist.