Chapter 003: One Night_1

"I take our marriage very seriously."

Ye Ranran pursed her lips, "Isn't it just to take a swing at Gao Han?"

"Miss Ye, I don't find it necessary to sacrifice my marriage just to take a shot at someone who isn't worthy to be my opponent," Jun Mochan said unhurriedly.

"Then why would you..."

"As I said, I need a wife, and you, just so happen to meet my requirements," Jun Mochan evaluated her as he spoke.

The way he examined her with a gaze akin to picking satisfying vegetables at a market annoyed Ye Ranran a bit, "How do you know I'm okay with you?"

"Oh, are there parts of me that Mrs. Jun is unsatisfied with?" Jun Mochan approached the car, opening the door, "Let's go, home."

Ye Ranran's attention was swiftly diverted, subconsciously asking, "Which home?"

"Mrs. Jun, I don't think I need to remind you of your current status," the smile on Jun Mochan's face disappeared, replaced with a ripple of displeasure.

Ye Ranran went silent and slid into the car. It's true that she had nowhere else to go; she married him because she wanted a safe harbor.

Jun Mochan remained silent, the interior of the car quieted down.

The latest model of Maybach slowly drove into the Riverside Villa.

The next day.

The summer sun always seemed eager to shine into the room through the floor-to-ceiling windows early in the day.

As the sunlight hit the bed, Ye Ranran slowly opened her eyes.

Her body ached all over, she couldn't help but stretch and yawn.

"Awake?" A voice that was half familiar and half strange came from behind her.

Ye Ranran turned her head stiffly, and the face she saw was the almost perfect face of Jun Mochan.

Slightly pale skin, straight and tall nose, thick black eyebrows, and in his deep serene gaze, there was a hint of concern.

Following his face downwards, she saw the quilt casually draped over his body, with more than half of his chest exposed.

There were scratch marks all over it.

Ye Ranran shivered and pulled back the quilt. She already had a sneaking suspicion, but there was still a sliver of hope.

Looking down and seeing herself completely exposed, she took several deep breaths, trying to calm the turmoil in her heart.

"What happened here?" She was feeling slightly hungover; her head was still aching and she couldn't put together what had happened.

"Last night, you offered yourself willingly, and you were very enthusiastic," Jun Mochan lifted the quilt to stand up.

Ye Ranran quickly turned her face away. The clear sound of Jun Mo Han's voice sobered her up a little.

Last night, she returned to the villa with Jun Mochan, had dinner, drank some alcohol, and had little memory of what happened after that.

Damn it, alcohol really does get you into trouble.

"Our agreement still stands, don't worry about what happened today. I don't need you to take responsibility," Ye Ranran's dark eyes were filled with a calm resolution.

Ready to head to the bathroom after getting dressed, Jun Mochan paused in his tracks. He slowly turned around and walked towards Ye Ranran.

He propped his hands on the bed, effectively trapping Ye Ranran in his embrace.

"I remember telling you that I take our marriage seriously," and he was serious, which is why he couldn't restrain himself last night.

"I'm not the kind of man who plays with women. Since I married you, I will take responsibility for you," Jun Mochan lifted Ye Ranran's chin, forcing her to meet his gaze.

In her still calm, deep gaze, Ye Ranran saw a trace of seriousness.

He meant what he said.

"But we..."

"I never agreed to that."

Under Jun Mochan's overbearing aura, Ye Ranran found it hard to breathe, but she still muttered out her last thought, "We've just met, we barely know each other."