Chapter 015: Timely Appearance of Jun Mochan_1

"In recent years, S.Z Magazine's competitor, Young, has risen rapidly. Hasn't our editor-in-chief ever wondered why?"

Compared with S.Z's old-fashioned conservatism, Young is much more progressive and international, so it naturally appeals to the current mindset.

"The majority of the old generation of professionals have stepped back, and now the stage is taken by a new dynamic group of young people. With time, they have become more mature and stable, yet, compared to the older generation, they still possess youthful hearts."

Ye Ranran picked up her design draft: "So in my designs, I adopt a professional style to show that they have grown up and can stand on their own. However, for accessories, I choose playful ones, representing their youthfulness, vitality, and their up-to-date fashion sense."

Just because you are older, doesn't mean you have to wear black, gray or navy blue. You can still look fabulous.

"Well said," Shi Yang praised her, "But your accessories really don't hold up to the standard. I suggest you revise them. As for these other pieces..."

Shi Yang picked them up and flung them onto the table: "Unacceptable. Redraw them. If you still produce this level of work, I suggest not coming back."

After saying this, Shi Yang picked up the sunglasses on the table: "I have other matters to attend to, I'll take my leave."

Zhao Yue Li's face turned a mix of green and red. She glared hard at Ye Ranran before indignantly grabbed her design drafts and left.

Ye Ranran felt good, she couldn't be bothered to dwell on it.

She picked up the drafts from the table and considering that it was nearly time to clock out, she gave up on the idea of returning to the office.

She pulled out a notebook from her bag, intending to research current accessory trends, when a familiar voice came from behind her: "Han, let's sit over there."

Ye Ranran's hand couldn't move at all, even her back involuntarily stiffened.

After all, she was no stone; despite accepting reality and reminding herself to move on, she still couldn't face him calmly.

After calming her emotions, Ye Ranran continued to take out her notebook.

"Sis." When Ye Tianjio turned around and saw Ye Ranran sitting nearby, he immediately ran toward her.

Just as Ye Ranran was about to open her laptop, Ye Tianjio's call made her silently pack it up again.

"Madam." Ah Chuan's voice suddenly sounded behind them.

"The president is over there, he asked me to bring you to him."

Never had she felt Ah Chuan's timing was so perfect. Ye Ranran got up with Ah Chuan's help and picked up her bag: "Let's go."

"Han, did I hear something wrong just now?" Ye Tianjio looked at Ye Ranran's retreating figure with a strange expression.

Gao Han also looked troubled; the person who just called Ye Ranran wasn't a stranger to him.

It was Jun Mochan's right-hand man: Ah Chuan.

He had clashed with Jun Mochan a few times, and he was tough.

Why was Ye Ranran with him?

Outside the cafe, a Mercedes was parked. While Ye Ranran was looking for the car, Ah Chuan was already leading her to it.

In the car, Jun Mochan was on the phone, talking about stocks and financing or something.

He hung up after Ah Chuan started the car.

"Did you run into any trouble?" Concern flashed in Jun Mochan's deep eyes.

Ye Ranran knew that he must have seen Ye Tianjio, which was why he deliberately sent Ah Chuan to her.

"No, what are you doing here?"

"I was passing by and saw you."

Ye Ranran obviously did not believe Jun Mochan's words. Coincidentally, Gao Han and Ye Tianjiao also happened to be there. She knew he must have had a reason to be there, but if he didn't talk about it, she wouldn't ask.