Chapter 022: Being Framed_1

"I'm on my way," Ye Ranran said obediently.

Seeing her trying to please him, Jun Mochan was a bit annoyed, "Whose call was that?"

She had never behaved like this with him before.

"It's the director's," Ye Ranran moistened her lips, "I had taken some time off these past two days and it seems to have upset him."

"If he's giving you a hard time, you can quit."

"Are you going to support me?" Ye Ranran rolled her eyes.

Jun Mochan thought this idea was excellent. He nodded and said earnestly: "I can do that, my arms are always open to embrace my wife."

What did this have to do with his embrace, and why would she throw herself into his arms?

"Okay, I'm here," Ye Ranran grabbed her bag, unfastened her seatbelt, and quickly exited the car.

It was not clear if she was shy or trying to escape.

Watching Ye Ranran's retreating figure, a charming smile hung on Jun Mochan's lips. His elegant confidence spoke of certainty in success.