Chapter 043: Give Her Two Slaps_1

Shareholders are demanding to withdraw their investments, clients are demanding to cancel orders, return deposits, or else deliver immediately.

"These are all rumors, just rumors." Ye Tianjiao tried hard to explain.

But before she had finished speaking, the call was abruptly ended on the other end.

"Manager, we have a big problem." The assistant rushed in from outside.

Ye Tianjiao yelled angrily, "What else could go wrong? Could it possibly get any worse than it already is?"

"Just check your computer." The assistant was too scared by Ye Tianjiao's outburst to continue.

"Instead of wasting time browsing the internet, you should be helping me by contacting our customers and convincing them not to cancel orders."

"At least those were minor orders. It's good that the government hasn't been alerted." Ye Tianjiao rubbed her temples.

The assistant quietly pulled out her phone and opened a blog post, placing it in front of Ye Tianjiao: "Manager, take your time to read this."