Chapter 052: Do You Miss Him_1

A woman dressed in a white cotton and linen dress, stood under a tree, laughing brilliantly.

Her appearances and manner, were naive and gentle. A head of black hair, like satin, cascaded over her shoulders, beautiful and serene.

This was clearly herself, during her college years.

How did Jun Mochan get her photograph? And from several years ago?

The front door opened at that moment, and the man outside, upon seeing Ye Ranran within, paused for two seconds before enthusiastically greeting her, "Sister-in-law."

"Who are you?" she asked.

"I am Zhou Xian, I spoke with you over the phone last time."

Zhou Xian was handsome and sunny, like the boy next door, radiating confidence throughout his entire being, different from Jun Mochan's warm and elegant demeanour.

Although Jun Mochan also presented a sense of gentleness, when you tried to get closer to him, you'd feel a sense of cold detachment seeping from his bones.