Chapter 065: What Are You Imagining_1

If it wasn't for the bodyguards reporting to him early on, was she planning to keep it from him all along?

"I'm at the hospital every day, and besides running into patients, what else could I run into... Oh, you mean Ye Tianjiao? I've already given her a piece of my mind."

"Besides that, and you only splashed a few buckets of water on her, and you call that punishing? Mrs. Jun, your methods are quite childish."

Just listen to his contemptuous tone and look at his proud and aloof attitude!

"I'm childish? You didn't see her messy state. Besides, I'm not like you, an outright big bad wolf." Ye Ranran retorted defiantly.

"Hmm, I'm the big bad wolf, and you are little red riding hood. Aside from that, have you encountered anything else?" Jun Mochan said with a mischievous smile.

His face which changes quicker than June weather left Ye Ranran unable to fathom his mind, she grumbled: "What else could there be... are you referring to Zhao Yue Li's mother?"