Chapter 086: Can Never Beat Him_1

"Of course, it's okay. I'm just happy." Jun Mochan felt a shiver of excitement as he walked in front of her, inspecting her from head to toe.

When he noticed the high heels she was wearing, he furrowed his brow: "Your health isn't yet fully recovered, how can you wear such high heels?"

"My head was the one injured, not my foot. Why can't I wear them?" Ye Ranran complained.

Jun Mochan guided her back to their seats. He sat down and pulled her into his embrace.

Their overly intimate actions made Ye Ranran feel somewhat uncomfortable, her cheeks gradually reddening up to her ears.

"This is an office, what if someone walks in and sees us?" Ye Ranran worried, but Jun Mochan just pulled her closer.

"Don't move around, or else I can't guarantee I won't do something to you here." Jun Mochan gave her waist a squeeze.

Feeling the increasing heat of his palm, Ye Ranran stiffened, not daring to move anymore.