Chapter 130: Identity Exposed _1

People around kept egging on, "Penalty, penalty."

Ye Ranran had no choice but to pick up the wine glass in her hand, "I'll chug this one down, have it your way."

"Good, straightforward."

Some clapped from below, and the atmosphere was revved up.

By the time Jun Mochan arrived, Ye Ranran had already drunk a lot, with everyone swaying on their feet, planning to hit the karaoke again.

"I'll pass, my husband is here." Ye Ranran stood up.

Staggering, about to bump into the table, Che Hao reached out to steady her: "Be careful."

"Thank you." Ye Ranran withdrew her arm from his hand and stumbled out.

Luo Qi quickly chased after: "Ranran, wait."

As soon as she walked out, Ye Ranran bumped into Jun Mochan.

Smelling the alcohol on her, Jun Mochan frowned: "Why did you drink so much?"

"They kept pouring me drinks." Ye Ranran collapsed into Jun Mochan's arms.

Luo Qi, who rushed out, saw this and her eyes widened.