Chapter 149: Old Love Rekindled_1

Ye Ranran reluctantly agreed, "Fine, next time then."

After taking the medicine and resting for a while, Jun Mochan helped Ye Ranran get up. "Let's go."

"Where?" Ye Ranran looked at him in confusion.

Jun Mochan put a hat on her. "We're going back to J.C. company, I have some issues to deal with."

Temporarily removing an actor required an explanation to the shareholders, didn't it? Also, the decision on the new actor.

"I'll head back to the film crew." Ye Ranran suggested.

Jun Mochan looked over at her bandaged arm: "Does the missus want me to carry her to the company?"

"I can walk myself." Ye Ranran attempted to break free from Jun Mochan's grasp.

Jun Mochan held on tight, as if afraid she would run away.

When Jun Mochan arrived at the company, the major shareholders already had arrived.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Ye Ranran looked at him worriedly, wanting to say something but hesitating.

Jun Mochan pecked her cheek. "Are you worried about me, Mrs. Jun?"