Chapter 258: She's Playing with Fire_1

Listening to her, Jun Mochan couldn't help but laugh and cry at the same time: "Don't do this next time; skipping meals can lead to stomach problems."

"Aren't you the same?" Ye Ranran rolled her eyes.

The two sat down hand in hand. Mochan sat first, then pulled Ranran to sit on his lap, "I'm different from you."

"Aren't we both humans? What's so different?" Ye Ranran wriggled uncomfortably.

Mochan held her still, not letting her move about: "My lady, are you trying to turn me on?"

Feeling the change in his body, Ye Ranran didn't dare to move any more.

Ah Chuan walked in from the outside. Seeing the two of them in such a position, he stopped in his tracks.

Neither advancing nor retreating was an option. At this difficult moment, Mo Han spoke up: "Leave the documents on the table, I'll take care of it later."

The implication was clear - he was allowed to leave work for the day.