Chapter 296: Going Back by Myself_1

Murmuring as though lovers, Ye Ranran found herself entranced. Jun Mochan's hand had already settled on her waist, rubbing it intermittently.

"Mm...Ah…" Ye Ranran involuntarily moaned.

The look in Jun Mochan's eyes instantly deepened.

Feeling embarrassed, Ye Ranran was about to move away when Jun Mochan suddenly swept her into his arms.

They bathed together for a full two hours. Afterward, Ye Ranran, completely spent and eyes barely open, laid against Jun Mochan.

In the tender moment, Ye Ranran slowly drifted off to sleep.

At seven in the morning, the alarm clock rang. Ye Ranran, still bleary-eyed, got out of bed, preparing to join Jun Mochan on the drive to work.

Just as she sat down, Che Hao called.

"Would you like to have dinner tonight?"

Ye Ranran turned on her computer, "No need, I'm busy."

"When will you be free then?"

"Why would you want to have a meal with me for no reason?" Ye Ranran asked, puzzled.

"I really liked the clothes." Che Hao came up with an excuse.