Chapter 330: Winning the Lawsuit_1

She had completely forgotten that she was stark-naked. As she laid her head on Jun Mochan's chest, she quickly noticed the physical changes in Jun Mochan's body.

Just as Ye Ranran was about to retreat, Jun Mochan turned and pressed her under him.

"What are you doing? It's noon."

He made love to her so many times last night that her waist and back were still achy.

"I just wanted to know if you're hungry."

"I'm not hungry." Ye Ranran quickly replied.

"Oh, then how about we exercise again?"

Without giving Ye Ranran a chance to reply, Jun Mochan quickly pinned her down.

An hour later, Ye Ranran finally managed to tidy up and go downstairs.

"After lunch, we have to go to court. The trial is scheduled for two o'clock this afternoon." Jun Mochan said.

It's half past twelve now. Ye Ranran gave him a resentful glance.

"From here to the courthouse, it only takes half an hour by car. An hour is enough time to finish eating." Jun Mochan remained unrepentant.