Chapter 385: He Authorized It _1

Ye Ranran didn't know what had come to his mind and why he had suddenly changed. She quietly grasped his arm.

The warmth on his arm cooled Jun Mochan down.

He stood up and raised the gun in his hand.

The turntable started spinning again.

Ye Ranran didn't know when Jun Mochan had fired the shot; all she saw was blood splattering from the man's foot and arm.

The fast-spinning turntable didn't affect Jun Mochan's aim at all; Ye Ranran had no idea how he managed it.

But she knew the training he went through must have been tough.

"Get him out of here," Jun Mochan said, glancing at the man who was barely hanging on to life.

"Yes, sir." One picked up the man and led him out.

The strong smell of blood lingered in the room, churning Ye Ranran's stomach.

But she couldn't vomit.

"Let's go, let's go home," said Jun Mochan, reaching for Ye Ranran's hand.

Ye Ranran's fingers intertwined with his, and their hands clenched tightly together.