Chapter 413: No Comparison, No Harm_1

"No one's here, Ye Ranran," murmured Xu Zi. Her hand rubbing against Ye Ranran's arm intentionally or unintentionally.

Her nails barely grazing over the skin, the chilling touch caused goosebumps to form on Ye Ranran's delicate skin.

"You're so sensitive, no wonder Jun Mochan adores you so much."

Although Ye Ranran was not a breathtaking beauty, her appearance was very pleasing. Combined with her delicate skin, she was rather attractive.

"Are you implying that my brother has been neglecting you?" Ye Ranran squeezed Xu Zi's waist hard.

Using all her strength, she pinched as hard as she could.

She didn't care if anyone noticed.

If Xu Zi wanted to be abused, why should she decline the offer? She was the world's best daughter-in-law.

You're welcome.

The waists of women are generally soft and sensitive. When Ye Ranran squeezed Xu Zi with such force, she almost lost her balance.