Chapter 451: Aunt is Coming_1

"Did I not say I was fine?" Ye Ranran was unimpressed by his overreaction.

"There's a lot going on lately, be careful." Jun Mochan ruffled her hair.

Ye Ranran was quite puzzled: "What are you afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid, it's just that you want to have a child, right? If you want to get pregnant, you have to be extra careful, understand?"

Is that really it? Ye Ranran looked at him, still somewhat disbelieving.

They meandered for two hours, by the time they returned home, Ye Ranran could hardly keep her eyes open. The moment her head touched the pillow, she fell asleep.

Unexpectedly, at five in the morning, she awoke to a stomach ache.

"It hurts so much." Ye Ranran covered her stomach and sat up.

The light-sleeping Jun Mochan woke up immediately.

"What's wrong?" He switched on the light.

Ye Ranran's face was ashen, her forehead slick with cold sweat, giving her an eerily inhuman appearance.

"Why do you look so terrible? Where do you feel unwell?" Jun Mochan was worried.