Chapter 455: Leave a Backup Plan_1

Huo Yi roughly shook off Xu Zi: "Get away from me."

Caught off guard, Xu Zi lost her balance, tumbling down the stone steps and collapsing to the ground, unable to get up for a while.

"You and Xia Shi really are good friends, aren't you? Last time Xia Shi also fell here." Ye Ranran clapped her hands in mock applause.

Xu Zi clutched her stomach, looking at Huo Yi pitifully: "Ah Yi, my stomach hurts."

Huo Yi's gaze was icy: "Xu Zi, can you stop pretending?"

Xu Zi's face was filled with pain: "I-I'm not pretending, my stomach really hurts. The child...please, save my child."

Blood began to flow from between Xu Zi's legs. Ye Ranran looked on indifferently, completely unmoved.

Huo Yi rushed forward, lifting Xu Zi in his arms: "I'll take you to the hospital."

"I'll go with you." Ye Ranran suddenly spoke up.

"No, I don't want her to go." Xu Zi vehemently protested.

"It's not up to you. Ranran, you can ride in my car," offered Huo Yi.