Chapter 459: Something's Wrong_1

"What does this have to do with you?" Ye Ranran's word ignited a flame of anger in Mrs. Ye.

"Didn't you just ask me for an answer? You even addressed me by name, it would be rude if I didn't respond, wouldn't it?" Ye Ranran added fuel to the fire.

She knew it, with Mrs. Huo present today, Xu Zi and Huo Yi wouldn't be able to divorce. But causing discomfort for the two was achievable.

And if the child in Xu Zi's belly accidentally miscarried, that would be even better.

"You're just upset because things are going well for us, aren't you?" Mrs. Huo snapped, hitting the nail on the head.

Ye Ranran nodded, her eyes wide with surprise: "Ah, you found out, I'm so sorry."

"You witch, I'll kill you." Mrs. Huo lurched forward, ready to strike Ye Ranran.

Jun Mochan immediately stepped in front of Ye Ranran, taking the hit to his chest from Mrs. Huo.

"Move aside."

"It's natural for a husband to protect his wife." Jun Mochan stood firm in front of Ye Ranran, like a steadfast pine tree.