Chapter 468: Directed Another Good Play _1

At Ye Ranran's call, Gao Han came as quickly as he could.

Ye Ranran was waiting for him at the gate of the ancient city.

It was early winter and the temperature hadn't reached its lowest point yet. She wore a black leather skirt and a sweater, standing at the city gate.

Her short, neat hair lost its initial softness, but gained a touch of competence.

Ye Ranran, as such, looked more like a sophisticated city woman.

"Ranran." Gao Han quickly took a few steps and stood in front of her.

"Let's go." Without looking at him, Ye Ranran turned and walked away.

Gao Han walked next to her: "You asked me to come in such a hurry, is there something wrong?"

Could it be that she had encountered some difficulties?

"I just have something to tell you." The tone of Ye Ranran's voice was cold, even though it was soft, it carried an indifferent undertone.

The look on her face was very similar to Jun Mochan's.