Chapter 509: Who Played Who_1

It was another deep night.

After sending away all the unnecessary people, the butler quickly brought a bucket of ice following Jun Mochan's instructions.

Jun Mochan had him dump all the ice into the bathtub, then sent him off.

"Also, have someone change all the bed linens. We can let it be for tonight, but buy the same set tomorrow." Otherwise, when Ye Ranran comes back and sees it, she might overthink again.

"Yes, sir."

Before leaving, the butler couldn't help adding, "Sir, should I call for the doctor? Laying on the ice like this, your body won't be able to withstand it."

"Call him over." Jun Mochan considered for a moment and then said.

Initially, he thought immersing in ice would be enough, but the internal heat within his body didn't extinguish even after such a long ice application.

It seems these ice cubes were only providing temporary relief and cannot fully resolve the issue.