Chapter 577: When It's Time To End, It Will Naturally End_1

Ah Chuan emerged from the crowd and opened the back seat door.

Three bodyguards came out from the car behind, blocking the path of the media reporters.

Ye Ranran, her face delicately made up, got out of the car.

She was not wearing sunglasses, her face carried a slight smile, she looked as graceful and virtuous as always, gentle and amiable.

Upon closer inspection, however, something seemed a bit off.

It turned out her smile did not reach her eyes, a thick layer of frost veiled her bright and clear eyes.

One could feel the coldness even without touching it.

"You have ten minutes to ask whatever you want." Ye Ranran glanced at her watch and spoke in a gentle yet irrefutable tone.

She knew, without her permission, these reporters would not dare to confront her.

But, she knew she had to step up, with a justified reason, rather than staying silent and allowing others to make random speculations and cast doubts.

Doing so would not be good for her, for Jun Mochan, or for J.C.