Chapter 580: Why Not Resist_1

"Xiao Qi, I'm telling you this now not only to prepare you mentally but also to let you get started right away."

This is the first opportunity she is offering her, and she needs to seize it.

Designers, like actors, need chances to showcase their works. Otherwise, who will know or recognize them?

"I understand, Ranran. Don't worry, I promise I'll do my best." Luo Qi assured her.

She really needed such opportunity. If she got famous, her salary would increase, and she would be able to provide a better life for her mother and younger brother.

"Yeah, work hard." Ye Ranran encouraged her.

After darting between three places in one day, continuously attending meetings, arranging tasks, Ye Ranran looked a bit pale.

Her forced smile was sincere, but it lacked her previous lustre.

"Ranran, you should take a break." Luo Qi suggested.

Ye Ranran glanced at the sky, which had darkened somewhat, and checked her watch: "It's seven. You should leave, I'm going home now."