Chapter 649: She Goes By Herself_1

The more you consume, the more you taste.

Getting free food while you shop, particularly from upscale brands, is an irresistible lure to any foodie.

Customers who came on the first day found that it was not just a clever marketing ploy. The food was genuinely delicious.

Thus, word spread from one to ten, from ten to a hundred, and by the second day, the volume of traffic increased significantly.

The businesses that had set up shop there made a fortune. Those who hadn't clamoured to get in.

Want to join? Sure, add three percentage points!

Plus, all the spots on the ground floor are taken, you can only move to the second floor.

Some hesitated while others gritted their teeth and paid. By the time those with severe indecision had made their decisions, the second floor was also fully occupied.

Seeing others racking in money, those left out could only pound their chests in frustration.

Ye Ranran also made her name in a single stroke.