Chapter 1072: Everyone is Jealous of Her

"Go on then, go have a great date," Luo Xuan shooed her away. "Anyway, the things I like to play with, you don't like."

"Okay, then call me if you need anything, and don't play too hard," Luo Qi cautioned worryingly.

"I know." Luo Xuan's face was full of impatience.

"Let's go," Luo Qi said to Lin Yan.

Lin Yan smiled gently, "What do you want to play?"

"I thought you would ask me," Luo Qi looked closely at his face, trying to see even a hint of unhappiness.

But she was disappointed.

"You already know everything, don't you? I know he can't let go of you, and actually, I'm a bit upset too, but Xiao Xuan has been dragging him away, so I can't really say anything," Lin Yan explained.

So that was it, his heart did care after all.

"Asking me like this, can I interpret it as you caring about me a little?" Lin Yan's tone was cautious, his face hiding a barely noticeable hope.