Chapter 11: Frankly Speaking, I Will Help You Achieve It!_1

After half a day of arguing, everyone finally remembered that they had neglected the true owner of the hares.

"Third one's family, are you trying to rebel? This morning you clearly said that you would earn forty copper coins. Since you've eaten my eggs, you must exchange them with these hares! Don't you dare think about taking these hares back, all of them are mine! Mine..."

Mrs. Qin-Li suddenly panicked. The prey that was in her grip wasn't going anywhere, was it?

As she spoke, she tried to spring up and grab the hares!

Su Pan'er blocked her with an arm, keeping Mrs. Qin-Li out of reach despite her frenzy.

"Is it yours? Well, it seems that old age has made you both hard of hearing and visually impaired. In the morning I said I'd earn forty copper coins, but when did I ever say I was going to give them to you? You're driven mad by money!"

Su Pan'er looked on indifferently.

Originally, these game animals were for eating, but Mrs. Qin-Li's arrogant attitude had thoroughly irritated her. Didn't the old woman want to share her catch? She would make sure she didn't even get to taste the soup!

Witnessing that the hare meat was on the verge of escaping her grasp, Qin Wan'er, caused an uproar: "Su Pan'er, are you sick in the head or what? My mother claimed your items with respect! Look at any family and see if a daughter-in-law's belongings aren't managed by her mother-in-law? Don't disregard the face we give you!"

"Then, don't act like you're giving me any courtesy. I have no interest in the face you're offering!"

Su Pan'er picked at her ear. It was hard to believe that this short, dark and wimpy girl could have such a piercing voice.


Qin Wan'er, seeing that she was losing the argument, began to well up with tears. She turned around and grabbed onto Mrs. Qin-Li's arm, looking at her imploringly with teary eyes.

"Mum, look at this fool, she does not even respect you anymore..."

The Great Zhou Dynasty governed with kindness and filial piety, therefore families would not separate as long as the parents were alive. The Qin Family was no exception; three generations lived under one roof and everyone's income was submitted to Mrs. Qin-Li. Even the private money that the two daughter-in-laws secretly earned from their sewing work was being snatched up by Mrs. Qin-Li under various pretenses.

Now that Su Pan'er dared to publicly challenge her authority, how could it not infuriate Mrs. Qin-Li?

When she finally came to her senses, Mrs. Qin-Li let out a yell and charged yet again: "Agh! You wretched and dirty woman, dare you mock me? I'll make sure you'll be taught a lesson! Don't think that just because you've entered the Qin Family that you can overstep us old women. If you make me angry, be careful, I'll go to the Su Family and settle the account with that old immortal Su Hai! Ah… what are you doing? Let go, let it go, you damn fool, let go…"

Mrs. Qin-Li was hanging from her arm hopelessly struggling, her face filled with fear.

Let go?

If she really let go, who knew what trouble she might stir up next! How could Su Paner allow such a situation to happen?

"You want to find trouble with the Su Family? I'll help you out!"

She stride forward briskly, and when she reached the door, she casually tossed Mrs. Qin-Li out, then slammed the door shut with a loud bang.

"Su Pan'er have you gone mad? That's your mother-in-law! You dare…" Qin Wan'er screamed in shock.

With a stare from Su Pan'er, she instinctively stepped back and ran into the house. Despite her bound feet, she ran faster than a rabbit.

"You wicked old hag, how dare you throw me out? Open the door! Open the door…"

From outside, Mrs. Qin-Li's angry curses and the sound of her banging on the door could be heard. The shrill curses echoed far and wide, quickly attracting a crowd of curious villagers.

Su Pan'er picked her ear nonchalantly, then sneered. As she turned to look at the yard filled with scattered geese, a single glance from her scared them off. Only Qin Yi remained, engaging in a stare-off with her.

Su Pan'er rolled her eyes and passed the fish and basket to him.

"What are you standing around for? Hurry up and cook, I'm starving, is there any food left in the house?"

She only ate a few eggs and less than half a bowl of meat before leaving in the morning, and she was so hungry that her stomach felt like it was stuck to her back. She felt as if she could swallow an entire bull.

"What is this?" Qin Yi instinctively reached out to accept the items.

Oh my goodness!

Pushing away the weeds, he saw a headless wild duck as well as dozens of wild duck eggs inside.

Qin Yi gasped, his face suddenly changed!

Angry, yet worried, he growled at her: "You, you actually went to the swamp? You stupid woman, don't you know that area is off limits? How could you dare… well, very good!" He was affirming, yet also questioning her!

Only in the swamp in front of Deicide Mountain could one find so many wild duck eggs. He originally thought she just ventured around the outskirts, but instead, she had actually gone deep into the swamp.

"How could I not dare?"

Just because she didn't dare, shouldn't she be laughed off by that old shrew?

What's the big deal about a swamp? She had braved places even more dangerous. Also, didn't the original body go there so many times? It surely wasn't as life-threatening as others recounted.

"You clumsy woman, don't think that you'll get lucky every time. You are not allowed to go there again!"

"Who said so? I plan to go again tomorrow." Initially, she hadn't planned on it, but now she thought it might be a good idea to go again.

"No! Cough...cough… I say no, and no means no!"

"Frankly speaking, I don't like repeating myself. If you keep blabbering on, be careful I might smash your teeth in!" Su Paner warned, waving her fist at him.

"…Anyway, I said no!"

Qin Yi turned away angrily, covering his chest as he coughed several times. Then, he picked up the basket and headed towards the kitchen, taking his leave.