Chapter 16 I Didn't Mean To......_1

"Are you talking about Wan'er? She is the apple of my mother's eye. Of course, she's different from the rest of us."

"Oh? What's the story behind that? Since we're alone now, why don't you tell me."

Su Pan'er wasn't gossiping. At the moment, she was completely in the dark and it seemed like she'd have to stay here for a while. Knowing oneself and the adversary is key to victory. Her ability to retrieve memories from her original body was limited, so she had to hone in from the side to get what she wanted.

"Actually there's not much to it. When my mother was pregnant with me, she hoped for a daughter. But she had a hard time delivering me, almost half her body went through the Gates of Hell. It took less than half a year for her to recover. Hence, I grew up drinking gruel, without ever tasting mother's milk. After several years, Wan'er, a girl she wished for was born, which made her overjoyed. More importantly, when she took us to the Taoist temple to have our fortunes told, we found out Wan'er was destined to live a prosperous life and would marry into a wealthy family someday."

"Really? What about you? Didn't your mother have your fortune told?"

"Why wouldn't she? It was after having my fortune told that I am where I am today."

Qin Yi had a look of self-mockery on his face: "The fortune teller was said to be very accurate, but he predicted that I was destined to be a troublemaker, and wherever I went, peace would be scarce. Hence, I am who I am today."

A child who knew nothing, who has been living without the affection of his mother since childhood, just because of some words from a fortune teller. Mrs. Qin-Li, either hit or cursed him. Being beaten and scolded so often, he naturally found a way out, roaming around like a wild monkey, which made Mrs. Qin-Li disgusted even more.

Fortunately, Old Qin was there to stop her, allowing him to grow up unscathed and even attended a private school for a few years.

Not until he contracted tuberculosis, was he forced to convalesce at home.

Thinking about all these unpleasant things, Qin Yi simply slumped down on the bed and closed his eyes to rest.

A feeling of oppression in his chest made him wince in pain at the area of an old injury, making him gasp for air.

It seemed like this guy was also not favored at home!

She remembered her original body, the guy could be compared to it, no wonder they were paired together. But as she raised her head again and saw Qin Yi laying on the bed, her anger flared up.

"You... move!"

Su Pan'er was so angry, that she shoved him off the bed!

Would Qin Yi let her do as she pleased again?

He had been on guard for this move, quickly attempting to dodge as she made a move, but couldn't evade her fast enough and was directly thrown off the bed by her.

"Ah… Su Pan'er, have you gone mad? You violent woman dared to attack again, see if I don't teach you a lesson! Cough cough cough…"

Though Su Pan'er didn't cause any physical harm by skillfully toppling him, it did hurt his pride quite a lot. As Qin Yi gasped for breath, he sprung from the floor and stubbornly charged back towards the bed.

But why would Su Pan'er let him get close?

"If you're asking for it, don't blame me for not warning you!"

With a glint in her eyes, she couldn't help but kick out…

But she was unexpectedly dodged by Qin Yi, he seized the moment and grabbed her foot, then pulled it. Su Pan'er grew anxious! She urgently retracted her grabbed foot, knocking Qin Yi down in the process, and they both tumbled down at the head of the bed.

The small bed instantly protested under the weight of two bodies. Su Pan'er was taken aback and quickly retracted her poised foot.

She had better not break this bed as well.

Qin Yi landed on something soft, the plump and soft body below exuding a pleasant aroma. It felt so comfortable that he didn't want to move at all. Before he could make sense of the situation, his hand reached out instinctively.

"Ah! You bastard!"

Su Pan'er, furious, swung her hand and slapped him.

The slap left Qin Yi stunned, he lowered his head and only then did he realize what his hand had done. Flustered, he let her go and his face turned a deeper shade of red.

It was just a reflex action, he really didn't mean to!