Chapter 21: Got Played!_1

"Oh my! Is Uncle Hu having a fit of Sheep Mad Disease? What can we do now?"

People immediately started talking about it, pointing at Uncle Hu, who had collapsed on the ground and sparking a flurry of discussion.

Even more people rushed in from outside, as there was always an audience for public drama.

"I heard that people with Sheep Mad Disease may bite their own tongue... what can we do..."

"Quickly! Go and get a piece of cloth to stuff in his mouth so he can't bite himself."

Su Pan'er, who stood nearby, was making frantic gestures: "Don't just stand there, everyone needs to act! We have to tie both his hands and feet up, so he won't injure anyone else."

Everyone was already in a state of shock and confusion, so upon hearing the order, they rushed to find some cloth and rope to tie Uncle Hu up quickly.

Uncle Hu tried to say something halfway through, but his mouth was promptly blocked by a quick thinking Su Pan'er.